International Women's Day - Choose To Challenge

Choose to challenge

International Women's Day - Choose To Challenge

This year's International Women's Day has the motto "Let's all choose to challenge" - because change follows challenge. Globally, biases and inequalities are to be identified and highlighted by, among other things, celebrating the successes and achievements of women. But more equality can only be achieved together, so people are encouraged to show that they are part of it: "So, hand up high to show you're in".

We are on

Studies like that of Federal Statistical Office 2018/2019 show that the proportion of women among students of MINT subjects (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology) in Germany is still low at 29,3%, but is developing an increasing trend. In 2017/2018, the proportion of female students in computer science was only 22,4%.

Why is it worth changing? Everyone benefits from same-sex teams: They achieve better innovative strength and higher decision-making quality in a more balanced working atmosphere than same-sex groups; in these, men are often too willing to take risks, while women act too hesitantly. Companies achieve more growth potential because they can counteract the shortage of skilled workers, such as the study by EURO Academy occupied in 2018.

At it-economics, we are happy when women decide to pursue a career in a technical environment, and we specifically encourage them in our company through our "women@it-economics" initiative. That's why we've narrowed the motto down a bit for ourselves: Let's all choose to challenge tech.

Talk and literature recommendations for women

For International Women's Day, our colleagues in the initiative have put together some very interesting TED talks and book recommendations that deal with topics that affect women in the world of work. We would also like to recommend the podcast from NDR and ARD “She likes Tech” to all women who are interested in technology.

Ted Talks


She likes Tech – Inside Silicon Valley


  • Feminist Fight Club (Jessica Bennett)
  • Bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges (Amy Cuddy)

Women in Tech - that's what our female colleagues say

Various initiatives such as "Girls' Day" have set themselves the task of bringing girls and women closer to professions in which they have rarely been represented up to now. In addition to craftsmanship, natural sciences and technology, IT is also part of it. We asked some of our female colleagues for their personal opinion on why more women should choose a career in tech.


The job of computer scientist is an interesting career in which you are constantly developing. It is also a good option to secure the job in the future, since digitization is more important than ever today and offers a wide range of specialization areas for every taste.

More women should think about this profession. Why? Because we can and we have the intellectual capacity.

We have little visibility on women's contribution to the development of computer science throughout history, but there are many who have made history such as Ada Lovelace, creator of the first computer program and known as the mother of computer programming. Hedy Lamarr, Hollywood actress and inventor of the groundbreaking technologies of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS. Grace Murray Hooper, developer of the first compiler for a programming language.

I would also like to mention Jude Milhon, creator of cyberpunk, programmer, author and defender of cyber rights; Frances Allen, pioneer in parallel task automation, 2007 Turing Prize winner, and Lynn Conway pioneer in microelectronic chip design.

I think women are still far too rare to be found as techies, as there is still some "pigeonholing". It is forgotten that many women have developed technological innovations. We should all make our mindset more open and give women – who enjoy tech – a chance.


Because variety beats simplicity! Especially when you see the higher proportion of women in neighboring European countries, you start to worry - at least that's how I felt.

Choose to challenge tech because it's a win-win situation. Working in tech is one more great opportunity for women to develop their ideas and constantly solve problems, to grow and change smaller or bigger communities. It's exciting, it's challenging, it's impactful.
On the other side, the industry needs more skillful people and diversity mindsets to also keep growing and creating solutions. The women win, the tech industry wins. It's worth it so let's choose to challenge tech together.


I think that women have had “umami” towards the technical sector – we want to have more and more. We bring colour, harmony and humanity to this fast-growing sector. I personally was fascinated by it since I was a child.

Because there is room and need for women in tech. Women bring different perspective, detail and customer orientation and more united teams.
