software delivery

Since the release of Xcode 13, Swift introduced several new keywords. The most anticipated ones could be async, await and actor. In this blog, I would like to talk about these new features in Swift and discuss the reasons why and how these new features...

In an international comparison, Germany is not perceived as a leading tech nation in digitization, there is also a lack of "big players"; That surprises many other nations." This is one of the results of a survey by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). It is about the plans of the...

To start the weekend, we'll give you a few fun facts about JavaScript. Take a look at René's blog post about curiosities that you may not have known about. A bacterium quickly turns into a banana...


At the beginning of a new project, the software developer faces the challenge of designing the architecture of the program code to be sustainable. In addition to easy maintenance, low dependency on specific libraries and independent testing options, readability should also be the focus of a successful software architecture. Reduced development time for...

There should never be more than one reason for a class to change. Today we start with the first SOLID principle: A class should always have a single responsibility, or in other words: There should never be more than one reason to change a class (single responsibility...