Work happier and more successfully with diversity 


Work happier and more successfully with diversity 

"Culture eatsstrategyfor breakfast” quoted Torsten Klein, one of the founders of it-economics, already 5 years ago on the company-wide “all hands Meeting" in Murnau the economist Peter Drucker (source: Forbes 2018).

Having a good strategy and vision is important, however far more important is the corporate culture and that includes diversity and how it is lived. How crucial diversity is to success in today's rapidly changing and competitive market is not only shown to us by innovation giants such as Google, Apple & Co., but also by numerous studies (Sources: Forbes 2021 / 2020; The Verge 2015; McKinsey 2020).

An Study which is repeated every two years with over 1.000 companies in the US and Europe, the report is "Diversitywins: Howinclusionmatters". This shows that 12% of companies with diversity are better off financially and that in times of Corona with an upward trend. The reasons why diversity leads to more competitiveness are complex. Mixed teams have a longer finding phase than homogeneous teams, but the different origins, preferences and challenges lead to different and more constructive ideas - in short, to more innovation, fastern Finding solutions and flexibility. These are also the basic requirements for the digital Transformation (Source: McKinsey 2020).

Outstanding personalities in IT history

On the occasion of today's German Diversity tags (#DDT21) and on 21.5. UNESCO Diversity Day we want celebrate the diverse personalities who have pioneered the IT world and without which we would live in a very different reality: 

Grace Hopper

Grace Hopper- computer scientist 

Grace Hopper developed the first compiler in 1952 and later became by virtue of dubbed "COBOL Grandma" for their efforts in developing the programming language. She's also the reason we say "bugs" for mistakes, since a real bug broke one of her programs while she said, "First presentCASE​ofbugsbeingfound". Her first recognition was in 1969 with the "Man oftheyearaward“ by the data processing Association. Then followed from 1991 90 neunzig more awards. Even when she worked in a male-dominated environment like the military, she asserted herself as "Amazing Grace."  

Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson - mathematician 

Katherine Johnson: African American descent, female and working in IT at NASA in the USA from 1953, she made many famous space journeys possible with her calculations, innovative suggestions and her talent at the IBM machines - and had to fight hard to be heard. Though smarter than many of her peers, it was not until astronaut John Glen backed her and insisted on her calculations that people began to listen to her and her ideas. Sometimes all we need is a chance.    

Margaret Hamilton

Margaret Hamilton - Architect 

Margaret Hamilton wrote the software for the Apollo 1969 mission in 11 that led to "the small step for a man and one giant leap for mankind" by putting the first man on the moon. In her software, she laid down important architectural rules that are still used in many architectures today. 

Karen Sparck Jones

Karen Sparck Jones - computer scientist  

Karen Sparck Jones invented the concept of in 1972 "Ireverse DoccupationFfrequency", and the is the basis for modern search engines and AI. The New York Times called her "a pioneer in computing for work that combines statistics and linguistics and an advocate for women in the field" in 2019. (Photo: University of cambridge, Creative Commons-Licence: "Attribution 2.5 generic")

Alan Turing

Alan Turing - cryptanalyst  

Alan Turing made the strategic breakthrough for the war with his decryption machine. Because he homosexual and which was considered a crime at the time, his achievements were not recognized until 60 years after his suicide. Today will be the biggest Diversity- Funds and university grants awarded on his behalf.    

DIESE Examples are representative of many others, showing how important diversity is and how far she us all together advances. Today's companiessSuccess stories and numerous studies underscore this relevance of diversity and how they with an upward trend a win for everyone can be, can they allow. 

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Julia Radick


Julia Radick, Managing Consultant